For Patients & Visitors

Ward Visitor Policy


To protect our vulnerable patients, visitors are advised to be socially responsible and refrain from visiting patients if unwell.

Please read through the information below before entering our patient care areas.

Visitor Quota and Visiting Hours

The following guidelines apply from 1 October 2024:

General Wards

  • 2 visitors (including caregivers) per patient at bedside at any one time, within visiting hours
  • No limit to the number of visitors throughout the hospital's stay
  • Patients who are dangerously ill are allowed up to 5 visitors at any one time

Patients who are clinically diagnosed as vulnerable and at-risk

  • 2 pre-designated visitors per patient at bedside at any one time, within visiting hours
  • Patients who are dangerously ill are allowed up to 5 pre-designated visitors throughout the patient's hospital stay


  • Children who are 12 years old and below will not be allowed to enter the wards.

Mask-wearing Requirements as of 1 March 2024

Mask Wearing Requirements

Visiting hours

JCH Wards


10.00am - 8.00pm

NTFGH Wards C7, C8, C9


12.00pm - 8.00pm

Visitor Registration

Effective 27 August 2024, visitors/caregivers are required to inform our staff if you:

  1. have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, blocked or runny nose, sore throat or cannot smell,


  2. have a new rash,


  3. have visited the following countries identified with infectious disease outbreak

    In the last 14 daysIn the last 21 days

    Middle East countries

    (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen)

    ​African countries (Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Kenya, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda, etc.)

Visitors 12 years old and below are not allowed to enter patient care areas.

Anyone making false declarations can be prosecuted under the Infectious Diseases Act.

Modes of Registration for Visitors Onsite

  • Self-Registration Kiosks at Level 1 , Tower C (JCH)
  • Visitor Registration Counter at Level 1, Tower C (JCH)

Location of Visitor Registration Counters & Kiosks Onsite

  • Tower C – JCH, Level 1
Documents and Information Required for Registration

Documents Required at Registration

Visitors are required to bring any of the following documents for registration:

  • NRIC
  • Singapore Driving License
  • Senior Citizen/ Student EZ-link card
  • Work Permit/ Employment Pass/ Passport

Registration at the self-registration kiosks located at Tower C – Jurong Community Hospital (JCH), Level 1 is only applicable to Singaporeans and Permanent Residents holding NRIC/ Singapore Driving License/ Senior Citizen/ Student EZ-link card. Foreigners holding work permit/ employment pass/ passport are required to register at the Visitor Registration Counter at Tower C – JCH, Level 1.

Information Required at Registration

  • Patient's name (Full Name or part of the name as per NRIC)
  • Patient’s ward and bed number (e.g. Ward C5/ Bed 5)
  • Visitor's Singapore-registered mobile number

Visitors who do not have any of the above may approach our Visitor Registration Counter for assistance. A registration label will be issued upon successful registration.

Information provided during registration will be treated in strict confidence and used only for the purpose of ward visitation and contact tracing during a pandemic situation.

Important Reminders for Visitors
  1. Registration is non-transferable.
  2. Face masks with good filtration capability must be worn in the patient care areas at all times, including surgical masks or reusable masks made of two layers of fabric.
  3. Visitors should not eat or drink in hospital wards or use patient's toilets in the wards.
  4. Avoid sitting on patients' beds.
  5. Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub before and after visiting patients in the hospital.
  6. Do not bring patients out of the wards.
  7. Photography and video recording are prohibited. This is to respect the privacy of our patients, visitors and staff. NUHS reserves the right to request for such recordings to be deleted.
Use of Personal Mobility Aids (PMAs)

For visitors who use personal mobility aids, please refer to our  guidelines on using PMAs on our hospital premises.

Frequently Asked Questions About Visitor Registration

Q1. Why am I unable to scan at the gantries?

  • You may be trying to enter the wards outside our visiting hours.
  • The patient you are visiting has exceeded his/ her visitor quota.

Q2. How many visitors can one patient have?

General Wards

  • 2 visitors per patient at bedside at any one time, within visiting hours
  • No limit to the number of visitors throughout the hospital's stay
  • Patients who are dangerously ill are allowed up to 5 visitors at any one time

Patients who are clinically diagnosed as vulnerable and at-risk

  • 2 pre-designated visitors per patient at bedside at any one time, within visiting hours
  • Patients who are dangerously ill are allowed up to 5 pre-designated visitors throughout the patient's hospital stay


  • Children who are 12 years old and below will not be allowed to enter the wards.

Q3. How can I register as a visitor?

At the self-registration kiosks or visitor registration counters located at Levels 1, Tower C (JCH)

Q4. What kind of information do I need to furnish as a visitor?

  • Patient’s name (Full or part of the name as per NRIC)
  • Patient’s ward and bed number (e.g. Ward C5/ Bed 5)
  • Visitor’s NRIC & Singapore-registered mobile number

Q5. What kind of identification documents do I need to register as a visitor?

Any of the following:

  • NRIC
  • Singapore Driving License
  • Senior Citizen/ Student EZ-link Card
  • Work Permit/ Employment Pass/ Passport

Q6. Is there any limit on the number of visitors for those who are dangerously ill?

Dangerously ill patients in general wards are allowed up to 5 pre-designated visitors throughout the patient's hospital stay, and up to 2 pre-designated visitors at patient's bedside at any one time (Visitation can extend beyond visiting hours).

Dangerously ill patients who are clinically diagnosed as vulnerable and at-risk are allowed up to 5 pre-designated visitors throughout the patient’s hospital stay (Visitation can extend beyond visiting hours).

Q7. Can children visit?

No. Children 12 years old and below are not allowed to enter the wards for their safety.

Q8. What happens if I do not have all the particulars of the patient?

Please approach our staff at the visitor registration counters located at the JCH Tower C Level 1 for assistance.

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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